Tuesday, 6 January 2009

I'm back... & 23wks pregnant!!

Time really flies!! I can't believe I haven't blogged in soooooo long. There's no real reason other than the fact I haven't been on the computer so much & I've just been busy.
Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas & new year. We had a great holiday! Tom was off work for nearly 2wks so we had some great family time. I was still working but as it's only 2 days a week it wasn't too bad. Unfortunately I had to work Christmas day but we just celebrated on Boxing day instead. What with me being a midwife & my brother-in-law being a fireman we have to be pretty flexible about the day we celebrate Christmas. It's inevitable one of us will be working the year we're all with my Mum!!

Anyway we had a lovely time. My Mum, sister & brother-in-law came to stay for a couple of days then we celebrated with Toms family a few days later. New year was fairly low key but lovely. Tom & I have a tradition of doing something just the 2 of us on new years eve & this year we got a take-away, chatted & I was asleep for 10.30!!! Wild, I know!! We were going to go away with Tom's older brother Sam & his wife Nicci but Sam was ill so we couldn't. Instead we all had a little adventure on new years day & went to see where the boys grew up. It was a lovely day & Rebekah did really well as we spent most of the day in the car. We love spending time with Sam & Nic. They're great friends as well as family.

I've gotta go now as Rebekah & I need to get ready for our Mum's prayer meeting this morning. I just wanted to update quickly!

Oh, by the way... Great news.  Over the last couple of weeks, my blood pressure has been getting lower & lower!!!! It's great, but I am feeling it... light-headed etc. So... I am hoping I will be able to stop the medication this week!!!!! I'm seeing the consultant on Thursday so watch this space!


kay said...

Welcome back! I'm sorry you had to work on Christmas, but it sounds like your holidays were still lovely. Great news about your blood pressure! I'll be watching for an update. (:

Anonymous said...

Hi Eleanor, I know just how you feel with that fear of being tired. I get that quite a lot now (but slept wonderfully in the school holidays!!!)

When Miriam was a baby she used to wake to feed at 12, 2, 4 and 6!!! I didn't realise it was because she had thrush in her mouth!!! I often did not fall asleep between feeds!

Love your mum!