Sunday, 21 June 2009

I'm back!! A quick catch up!

After a 5 month break from blogging I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!!

I couldn't tell you why I stopped, it was a combination of things. Rebekah was ill, then teething, then ill again, then I got lazy & then my pregnancy went crazy, I gave birth to another beautiful baby girl & somehow 5 months had past. Tom says it's been too long now & I shouldn't blog again but... I'm back.

I'll give a brief round up with the highlights of our life since I last blogged...

Rebekah was ill... she had a vomiting bug, I don't cope with sick at all. In fact I have a totally irrational, crippling fear of it! Not of being sick myself but of the people I care about vomiting. It stems from when I was 4 years old & I saw my Grandpa throw up, he was later admitted to hospital where he dies. The last time I saw him he was vomiting... I've had issues ever since. I probably worry about Rebekah vomiting once or twice a week & I think about Tom vomiting 4 or 5 times a week. I told you... totally irrational!!!

On the 13th I was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes (GD). It was a nightmare... I had to start on a VERY strict diet. No sugar at all, this included no fruit, except berries which my body tolerated. I had to check my blood sugar 7 times a day... yes 7 times. I wanted to avoid insulin so stuck to the diet like my life depended on it. I managed to avoid insulin (which the Dr's didn't expect) & the best part was that I lost 2 stone (28lbs)!!!
This was also the start of 9wks of very regular hospital visits. At best once a week at worst 4 times... normally twice. This was partly for my diabetes but also for my blood pressure. 
At the end of February my blood tests started coming back abnormal & this continued for the rest of the pregnancy.

Hospital appointments & more hospital appointments. March is a bit of a blur

The 1st half involved yet more appointments, more blood tests & weekly possible hospital admissions. After spending Easter weekend in & out of the triage unit & numerous phone calls to my Consultant (not the 'big chief', the other one Dr G) I was admitted on Easter Monday with raised BP.  Dr G  discharged me on Tuesday, my waters broke that night & Grace Bethany Ward was born on Wednesday 15th April. She was born very quickly & weighed 6lb 11oz (not the HUGE  baby they predicted following fortnightly growth scans). Thankfully, I didn't get pre-eclampsia. God answered so many prayers for this pregnancy & we are so thankful.

May & June 
Sleepless nights, breastfeeding, washing nappies, buying nappies (yes I'm still addicted), developing a new wool addiction, postnatal & baby checks for Grace & I & vaccinations.
We've been busy! 

Anyway this post is getting long, it's Rebekah's bedtime & also my wedding anniversary so I better go & give my family some attention. I'm sorry I haven't been around. I'll try better!

1 comment:

Shona said...

Well I knew most of it but did learn about your irrational vomit fear!

Seren just spent ages pointing and squealing and the pictures of Rebekah.