Thursday, 27 November 2008

No water!!

I am getting slack at this blogging lark. I started a post on Tuesday but then Rebekah got up & then to be honest, I spent all my internet time yesterday looking at new cloth nappies, or on the cloth nappy board at baby centre.  They had a raffle yesterday to raise money in memory of one of their babies who, tragically recently died, after being born prematurely. The money raised was split between SANDS (Stillbirth & Neonatal Death Society) & the local NICU where she was cared for. A lot of money was raised which is brilliant & I know Phoebe's Mum was very pleased.  I didn't win anything... hey ho. But, as Tom said "it's not the winning that's important it's the taking part that counts."  It still would've been nice to win a little something ;)

I woke up this morning & we have no water!!!! Tom rang to let me know he couldn't have a proper wash. I hadn't realised 'til then. Thankfully I was able to flush & rinse a soiled nappy but now I can't flush the toilet, have a shower, make a drink, the list goes on. I've rung the local water company they have no idea what's happened so someone's meant to be coming out this morning to sort it out. I hope so!! In the meantime Rebekah & I will have to stay inside & miss our toddler group this morning & hope it's sorted before I have to go to work later!!  There was some strange banging last night (we couldn't work out where from) for nearly 2hrs so I don't know if that's anything to do with it.

Anyway, I better go & play with Rebekah. Just wanted to write a quick post. Hope you're all ok!

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