Wednesday, 12 November 2008

Wordless Wednsday...

It's a beautiful autumn day today so Rebekah & I went to our local park. Here are a few pictures from our morning.

The 'big' swings...

Enjoying the see-saw...

Fun on the swings...

Climbing carefully...

Look at the concentration...

I made it!... Pondering her acomplishment...
before sliding down!

Rebekah loved this cat & I loved the colours

1 comment:

Wendy said...

What a sweet daughter you have! Yes, I came across your blog from MckMama's and I did read that you also had PE. There is something about PE that is like a sisterhood :) I will be praying for you and your little one on the way that PE stays far, far away! Thanks for the link to the layouts and for leaving me my first comment :)